
FARM SHOW Magazine- For EVERYONE interested in Agriculture, Farming, the latest Farm Equipment Reviews, Ranching & Agriculture News, Farm Shop Inventions, Time-Saving Tips & Tricks, Money-saving Hacks & the Best Farm Shop Inventions, DIY Farm Projects, Barn Hacks, Boost your farm income

FARM SHOW Magazine's Current Issue - Volume 49, Issue 2, 2025

Sampling Of Stories Featured in the Current Issue of FARM SHOW Magazine:

Enter to win a 20V Max 10-Tool Combo Kit! Enter to win a 20V Max 10-Tool Combo Kit.  Enter with the link below, or mail your name, address and phone number to: FARM SHOW Magazine, P.O. Box 1029, Lakeville, Minn. 55044. Giveaway ends May 1st, 2025. ...[more]

Restored New Hart-Parr Is A Show Stopper Although Dave Preuhs is deep into the history of almost every type of old machinery ever produced, Hart-Parr tractors are perhaps his favorite topic. A Hart-Parr collector for over 50 years, Preuhs is a go-to guy for information and a frequent contributor to H-P historical articles. A letter he re...[more]

Autonomous Spore Sensors Assist With Accurate Decision Making Diseases reduce yield, waste herbicides and pesticides, and negatively damage plant ecosystems. Many of these challenges stem from fungal pathogens that cause diseases such as gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, stem rot, soybean rust, white mold and powdery mildews. Scanit Technologies...[more]

Custom Wheel Horse Built To Fit Its Owner Stan Krolikowski saw custom garden tractors at fairs and shows for years and often wondered why they were always built on an undersized frame rather than one more comfortable for an adult man. He wanted one slightly longer and higher off the ground, so he built one to his specifications. Kroli...[more]

Laser Used To Keep Birds Away The AVIX Autonomic laser from Bird Control Group keeps birds away from vineyards, cattle yards and other bird-troubled areas. The bird deterrent was introduced as a handheld unit in the Netherlands in 2012. In 2016, the company opened an office in Portland, Ore., and started serving customers in t...[more]

Harvest Member Subscription Harvest Member Subscription - The Ultimate FARM SHOW Fan gift! Become a FARM SHOW Harvest Member. For only $99, your subscription will include a USB digital copy of all past issues, special handling for mailed issues, archive assistance - up to 4x per year help with archive search b...[more]

FARM SHOW Magazine - For Everyone in Agriculture Interested in the Latest Farming, Ranching & Agriculture News, Farm Shop Inventions, Time-Saving Tips & Tricks, Money-saving Hacks & the Best Farm Shop Inventions, DIY Farm Projects, Barn Hacks, Boost your farm income, time-saving tips, farm and Ag equipment reviews Click Here To Receive A Free Issue of Farm Show Magazine to check out and see if you like it before you subscribe to it

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Weighted Vehicle Cover Stays Put
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Remote-Controlled Add-On Keeps Feederhouse Clean
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Two Deere Gs In One
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